To reach Paris from abroad, you must select a flight arriving either at Orly airport (closer to the conference site) or Roissy airport. Both airports are managed by Aeroports de Paris.
Warning: You cannot apply for a grand after the early registration deadline of April, 15.Thanks to IUPAP, there are a few travel grants available for people coming from less favoured regions, as defined by the World Bank's most recent list of 'low income', 'lower middle income' and 'upper middle income' countries, see also here. There will also be 2 or 3 SFP grants for students working in France.
If you need an invitation letter to obtain a visa, please choose the appropriate option in the registration form. You will be sent a letter by email.
AgendaFebruary 2012 : Inscription opening April 2012 : Early registration deadline June 2012 : Late registration deadline Organisers