Tuesday: Round table and general conferenceA special session on Tuesday evening will be opened to a wider audience, beyond the ICAP delegates. Round tableFirst, a round table chaired by Jean Dalibard and entitled "The emergence of a new field, 1985-1995: from atom cooling and trapping to Bose-Einstein condensation" will gather major actors of atomic physics in the last decades. It will be an opportunity to ask your questions to these great physicists. This event is sponsored by the Quie2t Coordination Action. General conference on the Higgs bosonThe round table will be followed by a general conference by Michel Spiro, president of the CERN Council, about the last exciting results at CERN. The title is: 'HIGGS Boson, LHC, CERN, projection towards the infinites'. See the abstract below.
Tuesday: Jazz eveningAfter these two conferences, all the delegates are invited to participate in a free jazz evening, with a concert and a buffet. Enjoy Guillaume Petite's jazz band!
Wednesday: Free afternoonWednesday afternoon is free. You are encouraged to take this time to visit Paris or its surroundings, unless you prefer to have a look to the IFRAF labs. Tourist information will be available at the conference desk. At 18:30, we propose a trip on a "bateau-mouche", a 1:15 hour cruise on the Seine river through Paris. If you are interested, please sign in at the ICAP registration desk and enjoy! Participation is limited to 400 persons.
Thursday: Conference dinnerThe conference dinner will take place on Thursday night, in a wonderful abbey in the South of Paris. You will have the opportunity to taste the famous French food and wines. Don't forget to register to take part in this event, for which a financial participation is asked.
Abstract of Michel Spiro's conference:Particle physics combines chance (through quantum theory) and necessity (the laws of the Standard Model). At CERN, the European organisation for particle physics open to the world and now the world capital of particle physics, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces billions of collisions, each one with its own specific individual characteristics, the apparent result of chance, whereas the examination of all these collisions will delineate the new laws of physics and new necessities.
AgendaFebruary 2012 : Inscription opening April 2012 : Early registration deadline June 2012 : Late registration deadline Organisers