Registration fees


  • Regular: 450 € before April 15; 550 € after April 16
  • Student: 300 € before April 15; 400 € after April 16


These fees include the welcome reception of Sunday evening, the access to all the conferences, exhibition and posters, the coffee breaks, all lunches from Monday to Friday, and the conference event of Tuesday evening for one person.


Optional: conference dinner of Thursday evening: 65 euros for registred participants.


Cancellation policy: if you would like to cancel your registration, please send us an email. Before June 30, you will be reimbursed on the base of the net fees, after deduction of a 50 euros administration fee plus the bank handling fees. Example : if you paid 550 euros + 9.56 euros of bank fees, you will get 550 - 50 - 9.56 = 490.44 euros back. Cancellations are not possible anymore after the registration deadline of June, 30.



February 2012 : Inscription opening

April 2012 : Early registration deadline

June 2012 : Late registration deadline





Ecole Polytechnique




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