Quantum Gases

The activity of the Quantum Gases axis, within the two teams Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) and Magnetic Quantum Gases (GQM), is part of a worldwide effort to study the transport and magnetic properties of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases. Because of the very clean, controlled and isolated environment in these systems, it is forecast that cold atom experiments can shed new light on quantum many-body physics, and provide quantum simulators of open questions inherited from condensed matter physics. In this context, the cold atom groups at LPL have developed five experimental setups with four different atomic species to provide an original point of view on various quantum physics issues, such as quantum magnetism, superfluid dynamics, and open quantum systems. The Quantum Gases axis also develops a theory activity in synergy with the experimental projects.

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99, av. J.B. Clément
93430 Villetaneuse, France