Dedicated Website:
> Magnetic quantum gases – Chromium
We study quantum dipolar gases made of Chromium atoms. The originality of our experiments lie in the strong long-range and anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions between atoms. We study in particular how these interactions drive the magnetic properties of the ensemble of Chromium atoms, either in the BEC phase, or when they are localized in an optical lattice.
> Magnetic quantum gases – Strontium
This experiment produces degenerate quantum gases of fermionic strontium atoms, for the study of quantum magnetism in optical lattices. We use the narrow optical lines of strontium to develop measurement and manipulation protocols of the quantum state of the ensemble of spin-9/2 atoms.
> Magnetic quantum gases – Superradiant Laser
This experiment is devoted to the collective spontaneous emission (superradiance) of a cold atomic beam passing through an optical cavity. We aim at at characterizing the collective phenomena between atomic emitters, resulting in superradiant emission, and at demonstrating continuous emission, such that this light source could act as a novel kind of optical clock.